Ecosys - Your Ultimate Tally Solutions Provider
Ecosys, an Indian based company, is one of the best Tally Solutions Provider. We have a team of expert professionals who offer a wide range of services for all Tally Solutions.
Tally Prime
Ecosys is an authorized partner of Tally training & sales. We provide Tally training, Tally implementation services and Tally support services throughout India.

We understand that every business has its own complexities, exceptions and unique needs. Tally PRIME is designed with flexibility to handle all of these.

The Gold edition is usable with a maximum of ten users. You can manage as many companies, personal books of accounts as you need.

TallyPrimeAuditor's Edition
Tally offers a special Gold Auditor Edition, which provides Audit & Compliance capabilities, exclusively for Chartered Accountants(CA).

TallyCalculus is an end-to-end online assessment tool for corporates, professional training organizations, educational institutes, universities, colleges and schools.

Tally on Cloud
Get 24 x 7 access to the information across all the users simultaneously. Manage your enterprise, keeping your accounting data on Cloud Server.